
Friday, August 30, 2019

  1. We are starting something new this year.  We are going to have a Leopard of the Month.  You may nominate a teacher or staff of the high school.  Forms are hanging by the door of the front office. You may return them to the box on the counter. This is a great way to recognize a VVHS staff member that goes above and beyond for VVHS or who has inspired you , or had an impact on your life.  

  2. We will be offering the PSAT/NMSQT to our sophomores and juniors on October 16, 2019. I have a sign up on the 10th and 11th grade Google Classrooms..  The cost is $10

  3. You must have a permit to park on campus.  Forms are hanging by the door of the front office.  Please fill out the form, have your parents sign and return it to the front office with your drivers license and proof of insurance. Vehicles without permits by September 3rd are subject to being booted.  If you are booted, you must pay $25 to remove it. 

  4. If you are interested in getting a locker, please come to the front office. 

  5. Homecoming shirts are on sale for this week only. Please get with any cheerleader for an order form. All orders and money are due by today.

  6. We have received numerous reports of students not using the cases on their chromebooks. We issue cases with the chromebooks to protect them from damage. If the chromebooks are damaged, students will be responsible for paying for those damages.  For example, damages to the chromebook screen will cost $109.00.  Closing the chromebook on a pencil, pen or headphones are the most common cause of damaged screens.  Please do not use your chromebook as a backpack, do not store pens, pencils, or papers in your chromebook case, the only thing that you should be keeping in your chromebook case is your chromebook and charger.  

  7. Student council dues are due by today.  First meeting will be September 3rd after school.

  8. If you wish to join drama club, the sign up is outside the office on the bulletin board. 

  9. Rice Festival Pageant applications and Hospital Student Governing Board applications are posted on Counselor Corner and outside Mrs. Button’s office.

  10. Monday is a holiday.

  11. Tuesday, September 3rd is meet the teacher from 6-7 pm.