On Tuesday this week, Mr. Svatek from Wharton County Junior College spoke to VVHS seniors about the importance of starting the college application process now! Whether students want to attend a university, a community college, or attend a certification program for a career, he had great advice for all! He also spoke about the importance of getting post-secondary education, the FAFSA application, and other general information about college. After the senior meeting, he spoke with the freshmen class about the importance of what they are doing everyday in their classrooms here at VVHS. He stressed that every task, large or small, should be approached with their best efforts, and that their dedication will pay off for their future. 


Key Information from Mrs. Button:

  • The FAFSA application opened up on October 1st! All seniors should complete their FAFSA application for financial aid, grant, and work-study opportunities! 
  • ApplyTexas.org is the common application for all public Texas colleges and universities. 
  • Students interested in future Dual Credit opportunities through WCJC need to take and pass their TSI test, and complete their ApplyTexas application. 

For more information, see Mrs. Button's Counselor's Corner on the VVHS site! http://www.vvisd.org/o/van-vleck-high-school