Friday, September 18, 2020

Good morning !!!

  1. Students, if you park on campus, you must have a tag.  You can pick up forms at the front office.  Everyone should have a tag or run the risk of being booted.  To remove the boot, it will cost you $25. Also, if you park in the student parking lot you must enter the school through the cafeteria, not the front door.  Students, please note your expiration date of your insurance and once it expires, please bring the office a new copy to put on file. 

The parking lot across from the old gym is school property, if you are parking in that lot you must have a parking tag, or you run the risk of being booted. 

2. If you are wanting to be an FFA member and participate in FFA activities such as Ag Mech, BBQ Team, Showing at the County fair or leadership events you must pay your FFA dues to one of the AG teachers.  

3.Just a friendly reminder that your Leopard Credit Union is now open for your financial needs.  They will be here on Tuesdays and Thursdays from  8-3:30. Stop by and talk to them about opening up an account or if you have an account with Baycel already you can also access your account there as well.  They are looking forward to serving the students and staff of VVISD.  Check them out and see what fun and exciting things are going on for the months of September and October.  

4. Get your flu shot!  Tuesday, September 22 8-9 am room A111. Please bring copies of your insurance card.  

5.Juniors-Please make sure you join the google classroom.  Homecoming rep elections and class officer information are posted. 

6. Seniors- Go to your Google Classroom Class of 2021 Counselor's Corner and have you and your parents sign up for the Remind 101 group of Prograd 2021. Class Code @2g88 Information for ProGrad will be listed on here for you and your parents.