Attention VVHS students:
All Classes will resume this Monday, January 11, 2021, with ALL students engaging in on campus in person instruction.
ALL VVHS students must have a NEW BLUE schedule for the Spring Semester.
No student will be allowed entry into any class without a NEW BLUE schedule.
ALL VVHS students must pick up a NEW BLUE Schedule In the following locations starting at 7:20am, Monday, January 11, and then directly report to their 1st period classroom.
Schedule Pick Up Locations:
Freshmen: Library
Sophomores: C105 (Mrs. Wied's Room)
Juniors: Gym
Seniors: Cafeteria
**Seniors who have 1st period off will report to the front office to pick up NEW BLUE schedules by 8:45am.**.  

Please be on time for schedule pick up at 7:20am, have chrome books fully charged, wear your face coverings, and be in dress code.
We look forward to seeing each of you and to a successful spring semester!!